Glamping or camping? Hint: If you are reading this, you probably aren’t a camper any more.
1. Your camper has a name and everyone knows it.

Your online friends may not be able to remember your name, but they know the name of your camper. I refer to myself as “Cecilia’s person” for a reason. You introduce your vintage camper online and show off photos; as if it is another member of your family. Your actual family members aren’t confused when you tell them you are spending the weekend with Charlotte, Cecilia, or June. They know this isn’t an old college buddy you are catching up with.
2. You own bunting

Bunting was my ‘gateway’ into the world of glamping. It was the first thing I ordered for my camper and we have been together ever since. If bunting has a permanent place in, on, or near your camper this is a sign you are on a glamping trip.
3. Linens have Replaced your sleeping bag

While the folks parked next to you are unrolling their sleeping bags, you are adjusting your quilt or straightening an assortment of throw pillows. You come equipped with silk sheets, rag banners, fur rugs, doilies, lace, or eye catching prints. Whatever you are bringing along, it isn’t a Coleman sleeping bag.
4. Your New Bike Doesn’t Look New
You ride through the campground in style. People either ask how old your bike is or say, “I had one like that when I was a kid.” It looks vintage and blends right in with everything else going on down at your patch of land. The cruiser bike just holds a special place in your heart.
5. Flamingos, Flamingos, Flamingos!

Do the flamingos in the photo above make you feel at home? Are you tempted to leave this post right now to see 9 Flamingos that are perfect for your camper? Have you ever felt you need to take a stance on whether or not you feel like flamingos belong at your camp site? They make a group for people like you on Facebook. It seems like the majority of glampers love their flamingos.
6. Camping Under a Chandelier Seems Normal
When I see a chandelier at the campground, I know I have found my people! Maybe you have asked yourself if your camper needs a chandelier. When you do ask yourself this question, the answer is always, “Absolutely, it does!” I agree. You do need a chandelier. Here are 9 DIY chandeliers other people have made.
7. Your ‘front yard’ draws attention

As a glamper, you probably stand out at the campground with your bunting waving in the wind and your chandelier lighting the way. You may even be wearing this shirt to prove it. You just don’t look like the majority of your neighbors and your front yard (or outdoor living room) is just an extension of all the goodness happening inside the camper. Since you stand out…
8. You are Always Ready To Give Tours

You know someone is going to ask to take a peek inside. At the very least, they are going to walk by really slow in hopes that you will sense their desperation and invite them in. Since it always happens, you are always ready. While the other campers are doing whatever campers do, you are fluffing pillows and making sure everything is picture perfect.
Do you want to tour Cecilia before you go? Sorry, I got distracted there.
How many of these apply to you? Leave a comment below! What else defines glamping for you?
A big thanks to everyone who allowed me to use your beautiful images is in this post. There are more great campers and photos waiting for you if you click on the link below each photo in this post.