Review: Nature’s Coffee Kettle

Nature's Coffee Kettle  We were introduced to Nature’s Coffee Kettle at an outdoor fair a couple of years ago.  By that time, we had already tried making coffee at the campground in variety of different ways.  I remember how excited I was to see the guy demonstrate how the system worked.

I was even more excited when I purchased the product and had good results.  We had tried cowboy coffee (too strong), french press (too much clean up), a regular coffee pot (too bulky for Cecilia), and more.  We finally had a solution that met all of our needs with Nature’s Coffee Kettle.

After two years of using Nature’s Coffee Kettle, we alternate it with a drip system.  We still love Nature’s Coffee Kettle, but an early summer trip to New Orleans introduced us to the drip system and we enjoy it.  It is less about getting fast, reliable results and more about having fun though.  As much as we love it, we won’t be abandoning our quick, easy coffee bags.

FYI: Not a sponsored post.  We are just really big fans of this product.

Nature’s Coffee Kettle Pros:

  1. EASY: It doesn’t get any easier than Nature’s Coffee Kettle.  We boil the water, pour it in, and wait.  If the coffee isn’t strong enough, you pour it back over the coffee, wait, and try again.
  2. DELICIOUS: It never fails to make a good cup of coffee.  My drip coffee game is weak.  This means sometimes the coffee itself is weak and other times it is too strong.  Nature’s Coffee Kettle is already measured out and tells me exactly how much water to add.
  3. SMALL:  We maximized our space by installing our tall cabinet, but we are still limited when it comes to longer trips.  Nature’s Coffee Kettle allows us to skip the coffee machine.  It takes up very little space and the bag is re-usable.  You just need to buy coffee refill pouches.
  4. VARIETY: I really didn’t want to try blueberry coffee, but I’m so glad I did.  It is amazing.  Chris prefers his coffee simple, so I save the blueberry coffee for my solo glamping trips.

Nature’s Coffe Kettle Cons:

We have only found one con during all of the times we have used this product.  The bag is made out of a foil type material.  When you pour the boiling water in, it tends to get very hot.  It makes it difficult to pour, but not so difficult that we stop using it.

Camping coffee

  1. Boil 4 c of water.  We use our hot pot.
  2. Open the bag and remove the nozzle cap.
  3. Pour 1 cup of water slowly over the coffee.  Wait 1 minute.
  4. Slowly add the rest of the coffee.
  5. Zip the bag up and put the nozzle cap back on.
  6. Let the coffee steep for 4-7 minutes.
  7. We pour a cup of coffee and test it.  If it needs to be stronger, pour it back in the bag.  Try again in a couple of minutes.
Buy it here or check out this variety pack!Nature's Coffee Kettle

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